Laylo Style Guide: Minimalist Modern

Laylo Style Guide: Minimalist Modern

Laylo makes dog beds for human homes. Our ever-changing assortment of covers is inspired by interiors and design trends from around the world. The Laylo Style Guides are designed to help define your style and find the perfect items to outfit your space.

What is Minimalist Modern Design?

Minimalism is the idea that simplicity can be beautiful. Less is always more. Minimalist design influences not only the way a home looks, but the way a family lives. By stripping the home down to only its essential elements, minimalists believe that your mind can be cleared, allowing for more time and space for what matters most.

Over the years, minimalist designers have shifted away from using gallery-esque styling choices. Today, it uses more natural textures and organic forms typically found in Scandinavian design.

Outfitting Your Space


Key Design elements

Design principles:

  • Stark, clean, and modern
  • Open floor plans
  • Furniture as modern art
  • White surfaces
  • Chrome accessories
  • Spare floating shelves
  • Minimal sculptures
  • Multifunctional pieces

Popular colors:

  • White
  • Black
  • Gray
  • Monochromatic palettes

Famous influences:

  • The De Stijl art movement
  • Architect Van Der Rohe
  • Traditional Japanese design

Brands to follow for inspiration: 

 Beds for this Décor Style

Gray Dog Bed

White Rain Dog Bed

Sage Dog Bed